Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm Going...

yes, yes, I am going to Finland! After my parents looked long and hard through my entire room at home this past weekend, I found my passport with me, here in my room in Boston. Sorry mom and dad!!! Thanks for looking though...I owe you! :) I had put it safely inside one of my journals with a snap close to be sure it did not get lost when I moved in September (shows how often I use that journal). Well, I had looked in the drawer that the journal was in a number of times before I decided to go through every single item in my room on Sunday. So, there it was, waiting to be found Sunday night, right with my immunization records card. So, it's good that I found both of them and since I can actually leave the US and come back now, I decided, why not?! So, I booked my ticket last night to go to Finland and am so excited! When will this semester be over? But, at the same time, I have SO much to do before it finishes and before I leave. I leave Monday night, after all my finals are done, on April 26 and then I come back on May 8, which will be just enough time to rest up some and get ready for school to begin once again on Monday, May 10. That's my exciting news this week and I am thoroughly looking forward to meeting family and being with Mummi in her country of birth. :)


  1. So, so, so, so, so excited for you!!!

  2. I too am so excited for you to go and meet many of your Finnish relatives, cuz you won't have time to meet them all:) Love you lots
