Saturday, October 2, 2010


Well, the story behind the September poll is that I moved into a new apartment at the beginning of September and I think it took about 2 weeks before we could get our internet set up and running in our apartment due to the previous tenants failing to cancel their internet service. We contacted the internet company and they said that we couldn't start service because there was already another account open for this address. Therefore, we had to mail our lease in and then they could cancel the previous account and start service for us. However, the town I live in has an hour of free internet for computer users while in this town. It is an hour free everyday, but once you begin using the internet, the hour countdown begins. It doesn't keep track of how long you are actually using the internet. It doesn't matter if you close your browser or even disconnect from the internet. Once you start, you can't stop or pause or anything. Therefore, we had one hour of internet at home for the first two or two and a half weeks we lived here. It was manageable, especially once school started and we were able to use the internet at school while we were there. We had to plan our hour of internet use; I ended up writing a list of what I needed to get done using the internet and after I had a list of a few things, I would begin my hour and get the most out of that one hour I had. Now, I have unlimited use the internet. Oh, how I rely so much on technology....

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